How to remove wallpaper, DON’T and save money! Thinking about removing yucky old wallpaper? We have solutions to make sure we save you money and fix your walls correctly.
Homes from the 1970s and before often had wallpaper spread all over. At the time it looked great, with its consistent patterns and often bright pattens. Now its not so popular and people are always looking to remove it and get back to smooth walls they can paint with one color.
Over the years we have worked on dozens of homes with wallpaper and removed tonnes of it. Sometimes it comes straight off and other times it can take forever. So much so that we actually suggest you don’t remove the wallpaper and actually spend that part of the budget on smoothing out the wall and having us skim over all the seams so the wall is straight and true. Whenever wallpaper is removed it often reveals more problems behind that the wallpaper was holding together. Any kind of demolition in a home opens up an unknown can of worms and removing wallpaper doesn’t need to be one of them. Watch the video and I’ll explain more.
#wallfixers #homerepair#wallpaperremoval #loveyourwalls #homeremodeling